Coaching Personal Growth & Individuation

The future is increasingly uncertain. Covid drove this home for many people, although with only 1/2 the workforce employed in steady jobs even before covid, many others knew it already. Technology creates a storm of opportunities and pitfalls, and constant changes, both in our day to day activities and society. Culture is increasingly changeable, fickle, and polarized. Social expectations are unstable and even contradict our experiences with real-world systems and our internal drives. Complexity is growing and predictability has become a mirage, a phantom.

Our brains can't keep up. We are predisposed to prefer – and create – known spaces, mapped places, of safety. When we feel safe, we relax. When we relax, we create, and when we create, we tend to produce things which are valuable. In the right context of relaxed, playful security, a cohort of just three normal people are more creative than the brightest stars, but creative value is increasingly scarce in chaos, so people sell their time, a common commodity.


Everyone seems to want a piece of us, without valuing what we have to offer. They expect 110% at both work and at home; they want us to give them certainty yet give up our personal power and freedom while taking the blame when things go sideways. Only wild success is rewarded, but we're continually asked roll over for someone else's purposes, values, or ambitions, and we get left behind.

At best, we're a shaky figurehead and at worst, an expendable object. When the worst comes, or we try doing or even asking something new, we risk judgement, backlash, rejection, and cancellation. This can be overwhelming or difficult to manage. We come under threat of expulsion from the group, turning into an object of scorn, and feel the urge to fight back or beg for mercy. Perhaps we knew this might happen all along, and maybe that's why we have been holding back, keeping our heads down.


Naturally, we feel isolated and trapped. 

Even minor failures and rejections cause shame.

Our path becomes mired in pressure, indecision, fear, anxiety, stagnation, and loss. 

Our frustration grows with our limitations – our uselessness and scattered intention.

Coaching Solutions

Life Coaching is here for you in this moment. There is a way forward and a path upwards, and life coaching provides this, beginning with a relationship where it's safe to say anything, to ask anything, to share anything. Once that relationship is set, here's how we move forward:

  • We make space to examine possibilities and options.

  • We take time to consider the motivations and intentions.

  • We grow the courage to test, learn, and choose actions.

  • We build relationships for support and connection.

  • We create a plan and goals to aim those intentions and actions.

  • We level up skills to increase impact and improve outcomes.

  • We focus, finding agency to cut through chaos and nonsense.

What does this mean for you? We will increase your self-knowledge. This will improve that elusive drive and productivity naturally as purpose draws you forward and certain fears are clearly defined as false.

As part of self-knowledge, we will map your successes and achievements. This will honor where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, and what has held meaning to you, while revealing thing that are in your way. We will take a look at those obstacles, solving current problems and planning for future problems.

As part of the map, we will define your values, outline your skills, and uncover the deeper identity you want to move towards. To ensure this movement, we will optimize thought patterns, recognizing false beliefs and thoughts which seem like protection, but act as walls against possibilities.

This internal work will allow external results. We will bring balance back to your relationships, bringing healing, pleasure, and connection into your life. We will move from a fixed controlling mindset to an engaged view of opportunities. This will restore creativity and the ability to play, learn, and grow. Best of all, the changes we make will improve the culture fostered around you.

For many focused on business changes, we will delve into organizational psychology. We will develop the necessary character and changes for leadership roles and supporting employees. We will ensure successful changes in business culture and policy. This will automate leadership results, permitting focus on future challenges and controlling for or adjusting to unknowns.

The Outcome

After life coaching, you'll feel immense possibility and power. You'll have the strength and courage to take agency in your life, to self-determine. You'll understand your choices and see their outcomes. You'll have the skill to build enjoyable social connections and relationships, and you'll feel grateful regardless of the outcomes. You'll have the insight to pursue your career goals and the knowledge to be successful. You'll be empowered and find freedom.

Fully developed individuals are unstoppable.


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